Mango Power Mobile App


The Mango Power App allows you to manage your Mango Power products from anywhere, anytime.

Monitoring Energy Consumption

On the Mango Power App’s Home Page, you can monitor the battery status of your Mango Power Union/ Power Home / Power Move in real-time and the Green Report section shows how the Mango Power Union is interacting with your home, the grid, and your solar power system.

Customizing Your Mango Power Union

Customizing Your Mango Power UnionThe Mango Power Union can be customized to meet your specific needs. By selecting different modes in the Customize section of your Mango Power App, you can change how your Mango Power Union is charged and discharged.


When to Use

Back-Up Mode

Prioritizes energy storage for the Mango Power Union battery in case of a power outage

Time-Based Mode

Sets battery charging and use times according to peak/off-peak electricity hours to ensure you always enjoy lowest power costs and/or solar power

Economical Mode

Prioritizes energy from green sources such as solar to guarantee a larger share of your energy consumption is environmentally conscious


Economical Mode


The Mango Power App allows you to manage your Mango Power products from anywhere, anytime.
Economical Mode stores any solar energy not used during the day to power your home at night. The Mango Power Union will charge when your home solar system produces more energy than your home uses. This stored energy will then be used when your home needs more power than solar can provide. If you are consuming more power than the solar system inputs, the Mango Power Union will also import energy from the grid. This mode will save you energy, reduce your carbon footprint, and make you more energy independent.
Note: When you have enough solar energy to offset all consumption and your Mango Power Union is fully charged, the excess energy will NOT be exported to the grid.

Step 1: Connect your Mango Power Union with solar using the method outlined in the Installation section.

Step 2: Open the Mango Power App and choose your Mango Power Union on the Home Page.

Step 3: Scroll down the screen and click ”Customize” at the bottom.

Step 4: Choose Economical Mode and the system will switch to this mode. You can set the threshold for minimum battery reservation on this page.



Back-Up Power Mode

Back-Up Power Mode reserves a certain level of energy for your Mango Power Union (the default is 85% full battery, but this can be adjusted in the Mango Power App) to ensure it can provide seamless power to your home’s essential circuits in the event of an outage. The Mango Power Union will charge from your grid or solar power system and only discharge during a grid outage.
Note: When you have enough solar energy to offset all consumption and your Mango Power Union is fully charged, the excess energy will NOT be exported to the grid.

Step 1: Connect the Mango Power Union with your solar system or grid using the methods described in the Installation section.

Step 2: Open the Mango Power App and choose your Mango Power Union on the Home Page.

Step 3: Scroll down the screen and click “Customize” at the bottom.

Step 4: Choose the Back-Up Mode and the system will switch to this mode. You can also change the power reserve threshold for your battery. We recommend setting it to 80% or above in this mode.


Time-Based Control Mode


If your electricity prices vary throughout the day, you are likely on a time-of-use plan. Time-of-use plans are utility rate structures in which electricity prices vary depending on time of day, the day itself, and the season.
Utilities usually break the plan into three sections:
·Peak: High-demand hours with the most expensive prices
·Off-Peak: Low-demand hours with the least expensive prices
·Shoulder: All other times
Time-Based Control (also referred to as Load Shifting) will help you maximize savings with smart charging and discharging.

Step 1: Connect the Mango Power Union with the grid using the method described in the Installation section.

Step 2: Open the Mango Power App and choose your Mango Power Union on the Home Page.

Step 3: Scroll down the screen and click “Customize” at the bottom.

Step 4: Choose the Time-Based Control Mode and the system will switch to this mode. You can set the charge and discharge times according to your local utility conditions.

Step 5: Adjust the peak / off-peak prices in the settings.



mBoost Mode (240V)


You can switch the Mango Power Union to 240V / 4000W with the Mango Power App. To do so, we recommend using the mSocket accessory for 240V connection.

Step 1: Connect the mSocket with the Home Backup Outlet port on the back side of the Mango Power Union.

Step 2: Connect 240V devices into the mSocket.

Step 3: Flip the Main Breaker.

Step 4: Open the Mango Power App and choose your Mango Power Union on the Home Page.

Step 5: Turn on mBoost Mode.



How to View Performance

You can check your daily energy status and reports using the following steps.

Step 1: Open the Mango Power App and choose your Mango Power Union / Power Home on the Home Page.

Step 2: Click the Green Report button.

Step 3: On this page, you can see your current energy flow between your solar panels, the grid and your devices. It also shows YOUR green energy generation, consumption, and energy expense savings.